On September 14, 2O15, some Members of Council capitulated to the lure of promised money and failed to protect the public interest and in particular the residents of Amherst lsland.
Unlike many other Ontario Councils, it appears that Loyalist Township Council did not consider appealing the decision of MOECC to approve a REA application by Windlectric lnc. for the construction of 26 turbines on Amherst lsland to the Environmental Review Tribunal. Nor did Council consider seeking status at an appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal launched by APAI.
lnstead only three weeks after MOECC’s approval of the REA application by Windlectric lnc. and at its first opportunity Council considered a Community Benefit Agreement with Windlectric lnc. and Algonquin Power in closed session and passed the following resolution: