By John Miner, The London Free Press Sunday, October 23, 2016 2:19:05 EDT PM (more…)
PROJECT WING BREAKER: Imagine the horror of even six massive machines in the Lake, positioned in a globally recognized Important Bird Area! But of course, they want... read more →
Read Kim Kaufman's interview with American Bird Conservancy. Libby Sander: How did you become interested in birds? Kimberly Kaufman: I grew up on this small farm in the middle of... read more →
The USFWS recently closed comments on its proposed rule for 30 year permitting kills of eagles in favor of wind developers. What follows is a brief analysis of comments to... read more →
Wind turbines attract bats. They seem to appear particularly appealing to female noctule bats in early summer. In a pilot study, researchers of the German Leibniz Institute for Zoo and... read more →
NA-PAW's letter to Federal Minister of the Environment, Catherine McKenna, copied to President Obama and PM Justin Trudeau Welcome the wins of the small creatures! The Western Chorus Frog is... read more →
On 10-14-14 the Brown County Board of Health declared the 2.5 MW wind turbines at Duke Energy's Shirley Wind project in Brown County, Wisconsin, to be a “human health hazard”.... read more →
Jim Wiegand June 2, 2016 On May 6 2016 the FWS and Interior Department announced a plan that would set massive industry bag limits for an eagle population that does... read more →
The new turbine siting Bill (S.230) still hovering over critical issues. Asking victims and communities to prove if they are “energy goal compliant” to a regulating body which has... read more →