Deep-pocketed environmentalist group is implicated in bank rolling a new initiative to silence climate skeptics using libel laws.
Beleaguered global warming religionist, Michael Mann has signed up a Canadian law firm with ties to the ultra-green David Suzuki Foundation (DSF) to help buffer him against the increasing tide of criticism for his key role in helping to corrupt climate science. Skeptics fear DSF and other warmist groups will be employing the likes of McConchie for reprisal attacks against skeptic scientists who helped derail the global warming tax raising juggernaut.
Internationally renowned climate scientist, Dr. Tim Ball and prominent U.S. skeptic Chris Horner appear to be the first victims of a coordinated attack by discredited ‘hockey stick’ graph conjurer, Michael Mann.
Evidence Points To Mann’s Criminal Misconduct
It was Canadian statistician, Steve McIntyre, who first exposed the former pin-up boy of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a fraudster caught cynically pocketing millions in taxpayer research grants using bogus global warming data. Professor Mann, still stubbornly defended by his employers, Penn. State University, has sought help from Vancouver attorneys, McConchie Law Foundation in a desperate counter-offensive to salvage what remains of his shattered reputation.
It can be no surprise that Mann chose the McConchie Law Foundation of North Vancouver, British Columbia to back him. Canadian skeptics have for some time suspected Roger D. McConchie was a shill of theDavid Suzuki Foundation. The foundation is a self-styled “solutions-based organization” that operates as a North American spin machine for climate alarm.
The Suzuki Foundation’s intervention comes at a critical time. Both Mann and his university have recently been blighted with further revelations about a cover up in the Climategate scandal. Despite an attempted whitewash by certain self-serving institutions a clique of international climatologists are still under scrutiny by elected officials and lawmakers for falsifying global temperatures to raise fears of catastrophic global warming.
In his latest strategy Mann has upped the ante with a veiled threat to sue another prominent skeptic, Chris Horner. CEI attorney, Horner, recently wrote a damning piece in The Daily Caller accusing Penn State University (Mann’s employers) of whitewashing ClimateGate and Mann’s involvement in the fraud.
Mann’s threatening riposte to Horner comes one week after Mann had his lawyers issue Dr. Ball with a second official notice of an intention to sue. Ball is a retired professor who obtained his doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College way back in 1983 and is already defending a McConchie libel suit filed by IPCC computer modeler, Andrew Weaver.
Unlike Mann or Weaver, retiree Ball has no such sugar daddy backer to nursemaid him through the courts. Although Horner, a skilled attorney is likely to have the backing of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).
Mann is currently in the midst of a fraud investigation by, among others, Attorney General of Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli. The Penn. State professor has seen his career nose-dive since his tree-ring data in his ‘hockey stick’ graph was proven to be concocted from cherry-picked data to exaggerate claims over global warming.
Green Conspiracy Trail Leads Back to Suzuki Foundation
McConchie recently filed a lawsuit in the British Columbia courts on behalf of Weaver against Dr. Ball after a
Canada Free Press (CFP) article on January 10, 2011 entitled, ‘Corruption of Climate Change Has Created 30 Lost Years’ allegedly defamed Weaver.
So what are the connections with David Suzuki? Firstly, Desmogblog are the main cheerleaders of Weaver’s (and Roger D.McConchie’s) legal foray against Dr. Ball. It so happens that James Hoggan, chairman of the David Suzuki Foundation, runs website, a vociferous organ of criticism against Ball. The subterfuge of scheming between the Suzuki Foundation and DeSmogBlog has been deliciously uncovered by Donna LaFramboise here, here, and here.
But Mann’s mangled attempts to bait Horner are likely to backfire. The under pressure tree-ring counter spluttered, “The claim by fossil fuel industry lobbyist Chris Horner in his “Daily Caller” piece that I told Eugene Wahl to delete emails is a fabrication — a lie, and a libelous allegation.”
In his tirade Mann fumed,“This is, in short, a despicable smear that, more than anything else, speaks to the depths of dishonesty of professionalclimate change deniers
Horner was quick to point out that Mann is as gaffe-prone on law as he is on tree-ring counting and issued his counter challenge, “Please state where I “claim . . . that [Mann] told Eugene Wahl to delete emails,” and also what is libelous, Mr. Mann?”
Horner pilloried the Penn. State upstart by pointing out that he, (Horner) was merely repeating Wahl’s commentary such that:
“Wahl says Mann did indeed ask Wahl to destroy records, and Wahl did.”
To paraphrase Horner’s damning rebuttal, Mann’s delusions could only have a shred of legal credibility if Horner had never added to his sentence “Wahl says.” As it was Wahl accusing Mann not Horner, Mann’s misrepresentation of the facts is further evidence of the dishonesty of this unprincipled cherry picker. If this nonsense is any measure of Roger McConchie’s legal coaching of Mann then Tim Ball’s attorney will be looking forward to their courtroom showdown.
More Legal Recriminations on the Horizon?
Nonetheless, with Mann now appearing to have his hands deep into Suzuki’s pockets we could be witnessing the start of more legal escapades from the climate alarmist cult.
But I’ll backing Tim Ball and Chris Horner all the way here. This Canadian hack law firm should contact me directly if they want more skeptics to sue (me, for instance) as I, and many others, will be staying in hot pursuit of climate swindlers relishing their impending courtroom defeats.