Quote: At present, Great Lakes wind does not offer a unique, critical, or cost-effective contribution toward the achievement of New York’s Climate Act goals.
This white paper has been prepared by the New York Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to offer commentary and findings regarding the resource potential and a range of issues to be addressed when considering the development of wind energy projects in the New York State waters of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario (Great Lakes Wind). The paper is based on the analyses from the New York State Great Lakes Wind Energy Feasibility Study1 (Feasibility Study) and the associated technical reports filed concurrently by NYSERDA.
With regards to the impact of Great Lakes Wind on wildlife species and the environment, this issue is exacerbated by the lack of data relating to the temporal and spatial distributions of wildlife both at specific locations and across the Great Lakes as a whole, including data on aerial fauna, fish habitats, benthic communities, and human uses. Further, sediment contamination is widespread but not well mapped to support least impact site identification. And the extent and duration to which Great Lakes Wind development could resuspend or redistribute these contaminants are uncertain. Each of these issues imparts development risks and uncertainties to potential projects. These issues are not necessarily insurmountable, but additional research, data collection, and analysis are warranted to identify areas of lowest risk and support project development certainty.
See link for full 51 page report: Final assessment: Too many uncertainties and too much expense to launch wind power in the Great Lakes.