Princeton scientist Michael Oppenheimer calls The Climate Hustle movie “dangerous.” Bill Nye, The Science Guy, gently mocked in the movie, Climate Hustle, says: “It’s not in the world’s interest.” (For more reviews, see here.)
Climate Hustle, the soon-to-be iconic culture-busting documentary that previewed last evening in theaters around America, pops gaping holes in the anthropogenic climate change monolithic narrative. It bares all about the issues that the other side does not want to raise, much less debate.
To read Michael Oppenheimer’s bio, you might assume he knows a thing or two about climate change. However, his condemnation of the movie, Climate Hustle, is curious as well as downright bizarre. Climate Hustle, after all, is full of humor, some slapstick, possibly “most important movie of the year,” and as rousing a debunking of climate change hysteria as possibly we have seen.
“It’s hard not to laugh,” say some. In Toronto, there were belly laughs and sardonic harrumphs. Same in Houston, says my editor.
Oppenheimer’s anti-CH (Climate Hustle) comment perhaps lays bare the lack of sincere scientific investigation from someone who renders a verdict without actually seeing the movie. So maybe this is the tone-setting for the chronic vacuum of investigation around climate change chronicled in CH.
If this movie is important, and crucial, even for folks who have been mired in green mythology, and if it lays bare the “climate agenda,” then what IS the climate agenda?
The agenda, it seems, is multifaceted and even cruel. It is also funny at times, and scornfully so. It is antique and chaotic, and egotistical.