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Alberta Border to Border
June 30 2022 Posted by Sherri Lange for Tex Leugner

Border to Border Alberta Reborn
Hello Alberta, Canada (and the World); The covid virus “plandemic” was an exercise in manipulative behavioural modification. Using coercion and fear, on instructions from a World Economic Forums complicit Trudeau, this gave Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Communist Chief Medical Officer, the go ahead to terrify and manipulate Canadians who immediately rushed out to be inoculated with untested, unproven, experimental kill shots euphemistically called vaccines! Both Trudeau and Tam must be charged with crimes against humanity!
From Rebel News: How did so many people fall for the COVID-19 pandemic narrative?
How were so many of them terrified into submission and deceived into receiving an experimental injection that they did not need?
A tender bid put out by the Government of Canada seeking support for its “behaviour science” program a few weeks before the annual World Health Assembly, and the discussions held at that meeting, have shed new light on the manipulative behaviour modification practices our government used on Canadians.
During the WHA, representatives from various nations discussed their approach to tracking the behaviour of their citizens and “nudging” them towards compliance with COVID policies devised by the World Health Organization. “Nudging”?? More like coercion and fear mongering!!
Among the speakers was none other than Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer.
During her time discussing the Canadian pandemic response, she touted behavioural science as “an essential part of the future of public health” and admitted that the government had its own office of behavioural science, whose creation was spurred by COVID-19.
Click here for the full report from Rebel News.
Tell people the same story over and over again and soon they will believe it. Click on the link below. They don’t call it “programming” for nothing.
“Are not these part of the Communist tool box of manipulation and division”?
Media touts ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ as cover story for vaccine deaths;
The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines?? The UK Daily Mail has published an article detailing this new so-called “syndrome” which is of course just a convenient label to mask the true underlying cause of these sudden deaths, the experimental vaccines. The title of their article is, “Healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly from a mysterious syndrome – as doctors seek answers through a new national register,” and it says that everyone under the age of 40, “…may potentially be at risk of having Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).” All people under the age of 40 are now supposed to “get their hearts checked,” while oblivious doctors claim to be searching for the “genetic cause” behind SADS. You can’t make this up. The medical negligence, incompetence and even maliciousness behind all this is mind-boggling.
Get the full story and shocking details in today’s feature podcast here. Click.

A problem just as frightening is that Western culture is being destroyed from within; – our family – our values – our churches are being destroyed, lead by the the evil leftists Obama, Trudeau, Biden, Macron and others. Communism demands complete destruction of the Church and the Family to succeed, replacing these with the God of Communism and the family of a Communist Government. This has been played out numerous times over a 100 years from the 1917 Communist Revolution (that ate up my great grand father’s home in Chernovtsy in what was southern Communist Russia, destroyed it’s Churches and plunged it into poverty), I attest to this from personal experience reading letters of desperation from his family back home – unless you’ve been through this it’s hard to imagine. Communism has swallowed up dozens of countries since – some have won freedom – others remain doomed – Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, China, Venezuela – and the basics are always there at the start – destroy the Church, the Family and take away their guns. Once done, it’s over.
Listen to Nal Oum, today an old man who survived the Communist regime of genocide in Cambodia by Pol Pot; Mr. Oum speaks of the “infiltration of Communist thinking of dividing people one at a time and compares it to the covid vaccine where human cells are destroyed one at a time”. Watch this remarkable presentation in the link below by a man who understands the evils of Communism because he lived through it and warns the West to fight global Communism veiled as the World Economic Forum’s great reset.
Led by Trudeau, Canada is well on it’s way to becoming a Communist country, as witnessed by the division of unvaccinated and vaccinated citizens, destruction of its churches with their priests, padres and ministers locked up and peaceful rallies shut down with private bank accounts seized. These totalitarian actions are just the beginning. Another virus will become an excuse to terrify an unwitting naive populace to be further humiliated and cowed into fearful submission.
Read David Solway’s editorial in the link below and learn first hand that Canada’s rights and freedoms remain under attack.