Already suffering the adverse health effects from 84 Industrial Wind Turbines [IWTs] on the north shore of Lake Erie, I can barely compose this letter of protest and am simplifying the process by endorsing the document sent by Sherri Lange.
18 of the above IWTs are WITHIN a three [3] km radius of my house and have wreaked havoc in my life.
To have 1700 more IWTs in Lake Erie to the south of my house will surely spell the death knell. I expected to live as long as my grandmothers [i.e. 99 years] whose lives in eastern Europe were interrupted by two [2] World Wars as well as the harsh conditions experienced both before and after.
My death as well as that of other members of this community will be precipitated by this onslaught of off shore IWTs which you are so hell-bent to erect. Our blood will be on your hands.
Please reconsider and STOP this deadly project.
Stephana Johnson, Activist and Member of Ontario Wind Resistance and other Ontario groups fighting wind power everywhere.
Please read my impact statement and those of others here.