Polar Bears, Dead Coral and Other Climate Fictions Activists’ tales of doom never pan out, but they leave us poorly informed and feed bad policy. By Bjorn Lomborg July 31, 2024... read more →
North American Platform Against Wind Power March 17 2024 France’s Council of State decries industrial wind turbines, calling them illegal and absolutely requiring full environmental assessments: Those installed, and those... read more →
A post by Wind Concerns Alberta, with comments by editor, Great Lakes Wind Truth Big Wind is Decimating Insects by Mark Mallettin Home, Environmentalon Posted onJanuary 25, 2024 It seems there is no part... read more →
Ron Barmby July 6 2023 Political tunnel vision on global warming has resulted in declaring increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) an existential threat. But the United Nations’ resolve to... read more →
By Sherri Lange -- May 10, 2023 First published on Master Resource Photo courtesy of NREL Ed. Note: Si Kinsella is a resident of Suffolk County New York, a seaside community... read more →
SUNLIGHT ON CLIMATE CHANGE explains in understandable terms the science of how both natural and human-caused global warming work. It describes how expensive and doubtful strategies, adopted by governments to... read more →
Congressman Jeff Van Drew has found an issue that resonates with voters: whales. https://www.nj.com/opinion/2023/03/jeff-van-drew-is-telling-a-whale-of-a-tale-sheneman.html Dear Editors Response by Sherri Lange Trying to Mock Congressman Jeff Van Drew, doesn't work for... read more →
London, 23 March - A prominent physicist has warned that the UK is facing the likelihood of a failure in the electricity supply and calls for a reset of national... read more →
To: Sir Edward Mountain, Conservative MSP for the Highlands and Islands Cc: Members of the Scottish Government's committee on Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Mr Douglas Ross MSP, leader of the... read more →
https://www.prageru.com/video/the-real-climate-crisis An important five minute video Alex Epstein And another: https://www.prageru.com/video/whats-the-deal-with-the-green-new-deal WHAT'S WITH THE GREEN NEW DEAL???