Until a strategy is complete on how to deal with the adverse impacts of operational noise, no offshore wind projects should be approved. By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy... read more →
BY CHRIS MORRISON IF YOU REALLY HATE NATURE....BUILD WIND "FARMS" 24 NOVEMBER 2022 11:00 AM New evidence indicates that millions of bats are being slaughtered every year by wind turbines. This... read more →
June 20, 2021, 6:06 AM EDT By Cyrus Farivar Tesla Model S crashed, and inspected by veteran Chief Palmer Buck of The Woodlands Township Fire Department in suburban Houston, who compared... read more →
Can the township of North East, Pa., stop the town of Ripley from polluting its water? SEP 24, 2022 KAREN ENGSTROM Could the state of Pennsylvania file an injunction to... read more →
Will Bisphenol A be the PFOS of Wind Energy? What do you know about Bisphenol A and leading Edge Blade erosion for industrial wind? Read on. (We thank John Droz... read more →
OUR NOTES: SOME OF THE SUBTEXT INSIDE THE PROPOSED BILL, IS LANGUAGE SUPPORTING "CLEAN ENERGY." It is well known that Rep Marcy Kaptur supports industrial wind in the Lakes, starting... read more →
Rachel Carson’s prophetic call of a “Silent Spring,” has moved from concern over pesticides and habitat loss for birds to the whoosh, whoosh slaughter of birds by industrial wind turbines throughout... read more →
Image above Greenwich Neighbors United, with thanks. By Sherri Lange -- September 14, 2020 “Public and regulatory pressure continues against LEEDCo. Freeing the fresh-water lakebed from a billionaire foreign developer... read more →
Honourable Minister of Energy, Mines and Northern Development, Greg Rickford, wrote to NA-PAW (North American Platform Against Wind Power) confirming the continuance of the offshore moratorium indefinitely. There is no... read more →