Honourable Minister of Energy, Mines and Northern Development, Greg Rickford, wrote to NA-PAW (North American Platform Against Wind Power) confirming the continuance of the offshore moratorium indefinitely. There is no waiting for the US to apply conditions, or test of the “waters,” or demonstration projects. Ontario has said NO. This confirms that four of the five Great Lakes will remain turbine free as long as THIS PC party is in power, which is likely for a very long time. Please see the entire letter below at the link. Imagine the legal consternation should the US anywhere decide to place turbines on their side of the Lakes.

“To clarify Ontario’s position, on February 11, 2011, a decision notice was posted to the Environmental Registry with respect to policy direction for offshore wind facilities. In light of the comments received through public consultation and in particular the identified need for further study, Ontario has decided not to proceed with proposed offshore wind projects.”
See link for entire letter. THANK YOU MINISTER RICKFORD.