AN OPERA OF ETHICAL FAILURE: ONTARIO Read about the impacts of turbines on health, the environment, the economy, in Ontario Canada. This is a wake up call. Demand a moratorium.... read more →
TOM MARKS COMMENTS TO NY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE DOCKET Matter Master: 15-01278/15-F-0327 There are no economic or environmental benefits from industrial scale wind projects. On the economic side the negatives... read more →
Cleveland's familiar water crib, located three miles from shore, is one of four water intake sites used by the Water Department to obtain drinking water. But it is not the... read more →
October 12. 2016 Dear Editor, Beware Lake Erie lake shore dwellers - your drinking water is destined to become polluted soon just like Toledo and Flint, Michigan. The polluter is... read more →
October 25, 2016 Dear Erie County Council members, Wind turbines in Lake Erie would be extremely destructive and would serve no purpose except to make subsidy sucking energy companies such... read more →
ILFN travels farther and dissipates much more slowly over water. Even a distance of 32 miles is not safe enough for residents along the shorelines.COMMENTS... read more →
October 21, 2016 Mr. Roak Parker, Department of Energy Dear Mr. Parker I am writing as co-chair of the conservation and education... read more →
The USFWS recently closed comments on its proposed rule for 30 year permitting kills of eagles in favor of wind developers. What follows is a brief analysis of comments to... read more →
NA-PAW's letter to Federal Minister of the Environment, Catherine McKenna, copied to President Obama and PM Justin Trudeau Welcome the wins of the small creatures! The Western Chorus Frog is... read more →
On 10-14-14 the Brown County Board of Health declared the 2.5 MW wind turbines at Duke Energy's Shirley Wind project in Brown County, Wisconsin, to be a “human health hazard”.... read more →