“It's a horror! “: much more visible than expected, the first offshore wind farm in France ulcerates local residents and tourists Almost complete, the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm construction site seems... read more →
Will Bisphenol A be the PFOS of Wind Energy? What do you know about Bisphenol A and leading Edge Blade erosion for industrial wind? Read on. (We thank John Droz... read more →
Fire at wind farms, after a lightning strike. Sherri Lange: Please see an excellent review, commentary, Viv Forbes, on who cleans up, the vain and harmful effects of industrial wind offshore.... read more →
By Sherri Lange July 30, 2020 “Exposing the fact that the cost-benefit analyses for wind farms are wrong, the power output modelling is wrong, the acoustic modelling is wrong, and... read more →
signatories-3-FINAL-FINAL-to-letter-to-dewine-final-final-docxDownload http://greatlakeswindtruth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/signatories-3-FINAL-FINAL-to-letter-to-dewine-final-final-docx.pdf
Canadian and French investors plan to install 150 MW (75 turbines) Wind energy by the National Park of Kazdağ, Turkey. Kazdagi (Mount Ida) National Park covers an area of 21.452... read more →
Some Of The Case Studies That Have Convinced Me That Industrial Wind Turbines Make People Sick, Which Supports My Belief That We Can Prove In A Court Of Law That... read more →
As posted in Master Resource, here is another examination of the July 19th meeting in Cleveland at the City Hall chambers. Comparisons to Ontario's green disaster were applied to the... read more →
According to residents of the Hyonggye-ri village interviewed by The Korea Herald, they are just beginning to realize the impact of industrial wind energy facilities on people and animals. Beekeeper... read more →
Offshore Wind: Rough Waters for LEEDCo ‘Demonstration Project’ (environmentalists rise up) By Sherri Lange -- November 21, 2017 “The Icebreaker... read more →