Are you watching the annual spring migration of the tundra swans? Are they flying over areas that will be proposed wind developments, or landing in fields that will soon... read more → A waterfowl specialist says wind turbines could spell danger for Tundra swans and the economy in Lambton County. Dr. Scott Petrie said building industrial wind farms in Grand Bend, Read... read more → The bobolink is an exceptional migrant, completing a round-trip of 12,500 miles every year. This bird spends the breeding months in North American grasslands and meadows, then travels south... read more →
On September 14, 2O15, some Members of Council capitulated to the lure of promised money and failed to protect the public interest and in particular the residents of Amherst lsland.... read more → Wind turbines not only attract and kill raptors, hirundines and bats: they make people seriously ill, and they contaminate the environment. Read More... Plans are afoot to blight the pristine skyline of Lake Ontario’s shores. Apex Clean Energy, a company based in Charlottesville, Va., wants to install 70 industrial wind turbines in... read more → Though climate alarmists never tire of demonizing greenhouse gases and “fossil” fuels, hell has no fury equal to the venom they reserve for those maligned as “climate deniers.” “This... read more → It’s no wonder climate alarmists are getting hot under the collar, proposing measures such as imprisoning climate realists. Because, increasingly, the facts are not intersecting with their agenda. And... read more → Plans are afoot to blight the pristine skyline of Lake Ontario’s shores. Apex Clean Energy, a company based in Charlottesville, Va., wants to install 70 industrial wind turbines in... read more →